Exhibitor Setup
Most questions can be found on the Exhibitor Spreadsheet, including LI allotment, location, hunt and raffle participation and booth size. Booth landmarks can be found in one central location on the Landing Hub.
Exhibitor Setup
Decorating your exhibit
Can I put anything outside of my booth?
All items must be inside your booth. ACS vendors/kiosks should also be inside.
What is my LI allotment?
You will have received this information when you were given your confirmation of payment. If you cannot find your confirmation, please refer to our spreadsheet.
What do I do if there is an issue with my booth or the land surrounding my booth?
Please do not message the region designer. On your inspection form there is a section for things that need to be fixed, please fill this in and we will have it fixed before opening.
Can I have sounds in my booth?
If the sounds are essential to an item you are selling or a key element of your exhibit, they are allowed but must be at the lowest volume setting possible. Sounds may be disturbing to other booths near to yours or may adversely affect the region theming, so we ask that their use is limited.
Can I add additional lighting to my booth?
Yes, if it aids your booths design or helps to showcase the texturing of an item. Otherwise we ask that additional lighting is kept to the minimum to not affect the region theme.
I need to add somebody to help me decorate, how can I do that?
Please reach out in the Construction Crew group and an admin will assist.
Do I need to do anything special with my decorations?
Please make sure all furniture demos are PG only. Please remove all unecessary scripts from items to help reduce the lag monster as much as possible. Make sure your decorations are inside your booth (do a quick cam around your booth) and please refrain from using Full-Bright textures when possible.
ACS Kioks/Vendors
Where can I get my vendor?
Tool requesters will be made available at the SL Living Expo booth at the American Cancer Society Island. We will also send them in the notices of the “Construction Crew” group. They can also be found at the Landing Point where merchant landmarks are located.
How many do I need?
Merchants who are selling other items are required to have 1 (one) 100% ACS Vendor. Groups/Communities that do not sell items are only required to have a kiosk.
Does the item in my vendor have to be new?
Yes your item has to be new and exclusive to our event. After the event, it can be sold in your store however you wish.
How do I setup my vendor?
A notecard is given when you rez the vendor. If you continue to have issues, please ask in the Construction Crew group and someone will help you.
Where should I put my ACS vendor?
Your ACS vendor must be inside of your booth and in a visible location.
Can I put out more than one?
Of course, more is always better! The minimum required will always be one, however we appreciate your generosity for placing more ACS vendors.
Do you have 50% vendors?
ACS has only provided the SL Living Expo with 100% Vendors.
What is an LQ vendor?
These are for items of a limited quantity. For example, you want to promote some Fear Of Missing Out, these are the vendors for you! However, you cannot place a LQ vendor as your main 100% vendor in your booth.
How do I know my vendor is setup properly?
You will see a green checkmark in the corner of your vendor. If you do not see this, it is not setup. Please refer back to the notecard for instructions you may have missed.
How do I set the vendor to the SL Living Expo?
If you grabbed the vendor from within notices or from us, these will be dedicated Mega Event tools which are preset to feed our event total. Please do not use a generic kiosk; these will not feed into the SL Living Expo totals.
SL Living Expo Hunt
How do I participate in the hunt?
Grab the item from the notices or in the setup area and indicate on the inspection form that you have participated in the hunt.
Am I required to take part in the hunt?
No you are not. However it is a great way to get traffic to your exhibit as we will advertise the hunt on our website and at the Landing Hub.
What price should my hunt item be?
Does my item have to be new or exclusive?
No it does not.
How do I setup my hunt vendor?
- Rez the hunt vendor.
- Please place the hunt vendor inside your booth. Yes, this is a hunt however we do not want to make this incredibly difficult for people. It’s to be fun and help bring traffic to your booth. Please do not make the hunt vendor incredibly tiny or impossible to find.
- Use this JUST like an ACS vendor. The price for the hunt item is L$25.
- Turn off hover text (we don’t want it THAT easy!)
- Tell us about your hunt item in your booth inspection form
How will people know I am participating in the hunt?
We will be placing signs outside of your booth to indicate you have participated in the hunt and you will be featured on the hunt section the shopping guide on the website.
Blogger Room
Our Blogger Room is setup above the landing hub for merchants to provide items to our Blogger Team. Please read the instructions on setting up the box, found on the wall to the left.
I'm ready!
Once your booth is ready for inspection, please complete the Inspection Sheet. You may also let us know of any issues in or surrounding your booth, should there be any. If you are participating in the Hunt, please complete the Hunt Sheet. If you are donating a raffle item, please complete the Raffle Sheet.
Once your booth has beensuccessfully inspected, the Exhibitor Spreadsheet will be updated and the information sign will be removed from in front of your booth.